Friday, February 09, 2007

When cooking for others I prefer to make good food as opposed to good vegan food. By that I mean that I don't use a lot of tofu or mock meats because omnis generally eat meat and therefore can be weirded out by the mock meats and I don't want to turn them off vegan foods.

I had a friend over and made the chilli from EDV. It was delicious, but I forgot to take a pic. I was slightly conserned as I had not tried the recipe before, but I generally love Dreena's recipes, so I made it anyway. My friend thought it was very spicy, but I didn't feel any heat at all, and I used a lot less spices than the recipe asked for :) I also brought some to school the next day and it was very good cold too.
I also made the brownies from EDV when I was having a chocolate craving. I brought some of that to school too to share with some friends. They all loved it and were very interested when I told them it had flax and tofu in it, but they still had seconds :D You've got to love a good brownie. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of that either.

I do have some pictures to show :) I've been having a lot of schoolwork lately, so when I come home fried I don't unnecessarily want to cook. That's when tofu dogs save the day! They aren't as healthy as home made food, but they are very delish. I put to dogs in one bun because the boyfriend was eating hotdogs too, and the buns are to big for the smaller tofu dogs so I used two to a bun.

Then, in my frustration that there was no bread in the house, I decided to bake some instead of just going to the store. I do enjoy making bread, but anything with yeast just takes forever.... The bread was amazing though, very moist and nice. I used the french bread recipe from GoV, but made a single loaf of bread instead of two french breads.

And finally, for dinner today I made the muschroom broccoli phyllo from Vive along with a green salad and the Lemon Zesty dressing, also from Vive. It was amazing. I wasn't sure that my boyfriend would like it, but he even had seconds (of the salad too!). I was beyond pleased.